Séminaire de l’Association Canadienne des Neurosciences (ACN)

Heure : 12h
Lieu : ZOOM


  • Role of cell adhesion molecules in oligodendrocyte-T cell interactions in MS
    Haritha Desu, University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre
  • Inflammation-induced impairments in LTP are rescued by L-type calcium channel antagonism
    Samantha Carew, Memorial University of Newfoundland

The CNS-PDS committee is delighted to announce the seminar series line-up for the year ahead. The series will take place on the first Thursday of every month at 12pm PT/3pm ET and will showcase the work of talented postdocs in Canada and Canadian postdocs abroad.

We believe that this series will be nourishing to neuroscientists at all stages of their careers and we hope that you’ll join us!

Find zoom links to the talks on our Twitter @CNS_PDS