Ala Birca

Professeure adjointe de clinique
514 345-4931, poste 5394
514 345-2372 (télécopieur)
Site web

Adresse physique et postale
Service de neurologie, bureau 5423
CHU Ste-Justine
3175, Côte-Ste-Catherine
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1C5

Thème (s)

  • Neurophysiologie et neurologie néonatale ;
  • Monitoring cérébral ;
  • Neurodéveloppement ;
  • Neuroprotection.

Publications choisies

  • Birca A, Vakorin VA, Porayette P, Madathil S, Chau V, Seed M, Doesburg SM, Blaser S, Nita DA, Sharma R, Duerden EG, Hickey EJ, Miller SP, Hahn CD. Interplay of brain structure and function in neonatal congenital heart disease. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 2016;14;3(9):708-22 ;
  • Birca A, Lortie A, Birca V, Decarie J-C, Veilleux A, Gallagher A, Dehaes M, Lodygensky GA, Carmant L. Rewarming affects EEG background in term newborns with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy undergoing therapeutic hypothermia. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2016;127(4):2087-94 ;
  • Toupin J-F, Lortie A, Major P, Diadori P, Vanasse M, Rossignol E, D’Anjou G, Perreault S, Larbrisseau A, Carmant L, Birca A. Efficacy and safety of Lacosamide as an adjunctive therapy for refractory focal epilepsy in pediatric patients: a retrospective single centre study. Epileptic disorders, 2015;17(4):436-43 ;
  • Birca A, Lassonde M, Lippé S, Lortie A, Vannasing P, Carmant L. Enhanced EEG connectivity in children with febrile seizures. Epilepsy Research 2015;110:32-8 ;
  • Birca A., Mercier C., Major P. Rapamycin as an alternative to surgical treatment of subependymal giant cell astrocytomas in a patient with tuberous sclerosis complex. Case report. J Neurosurg Pediatrics 2010;6:381-4 ;
  • Birca A, Carmant L, Lortie A, Vannasing P, Sauerwein H, Robert M, Lemay L, Wang X-P, Piper D, Donici V, Lassonde M. Maturational changes of 5hz SSVEPs elicited by intermittent photic stimulation, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2010, 79, 295-8 ;
  • Birca A, Carmant L, Lortie A, Vannasing P, Lassonde M. Gamma frequency SSVEP components differentiate children with febrile seizures from normal controls, Epilepsia, 2008, 49, 1946-9.