Heure : 13h
Lieu : ZOOM


Dr. Adriana Di Polo’s laboratory focuses on the pathobiology of retinal ganglion cells, the neurons that convey visual information from the retina to the brain via their axons in the optic nerve. Loss of vision in glaucoma, the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, is caused by the death of retinal ganglion cells. At present, there is no cure for glaucoma and current treatments are often insufficient to stop disease progression. We seek to understand the mechanisms underlying retinal ganglion cell death and to develop novel therapeutics to preserve and restore vision.

Lien ZOOM : https://umontreal.zoom.us/j/88066173443?pwd=ajIvdzA0a09FSGlFc3NuRUdFNVhNdz09#success

ID de réunion : 880 6617 3443
Mot de passe : 012955