John Kalaska

Professeur associé (retraité)
Professeur émérite
514-343-7972 (télécopieur)

Adresse physique
Pavillon Paul-G.-Desmarais, local 4129
2960, chemin de la Tour
Montréal (Québec)

Adresse postale
Département de neurosciences
Faculté de médecine
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7

Thème (s)

  • Mécanismes neuronaux du cortex cérébral impliqués dans la planification et le contrôle des mouvements de pointage du bras;
  • Mécanismes neuronaux du cortex cérébral dans les processus décisionnels menant au choix de mouvement à faire.

Publications choisies

  • Cisek P, Kalaska JF. Neural correlates of reaching decisions in dorsal premotor cortex: specification of multiple direction choices and final selection of action. Neuron 45: 801-814 (2005).
  • Cisek P, Kalaska JF. Neural mechanisms for interacting with a world full of action choices. Annu Rev Neurosci 33: 269-298 (2010).
  • Green AM, Kalaska JF. Learning to move machines with the mind. Trends in Neurosciences 34: 61-75 (2011).
  • Coallier É, Michelet T, Kalaska JF. Dorsal premotor cortex: neural correlates of reach target decisions based on a color-location matching rule and conflicting sensory evidence. J Neurophysiol 113: 3543-3573 (2015).
  • Lajoie G, Krouchev NI, Kalaska JF, Fairhall AL, Fetz EE. Correlation-based models of artificially induced plasticity in motor cortex by bi-directional brain-computer interface. PLoS Comp Biol 13(2):e1005343 (2017).
  • Wang M, Montanède C, Chandrasekaran C, Peixoto D, Shenoy KV, Kalaska JF. Macaque dorsal premotor cortex exhibits decision-related activity only when specific stimulus-response associations are known. Nature Communications (2019).
  • Kalaska JF. Emerging ideas and tools to study the emergent properties of the cortical neural circuits for voluntary motor control in non-human primates. F1000 Faculty Rev-749. Doi:10.12688/f1000research.17161.1. eCollection 2019.